What are the things to considered to avail cell phone loan?

Occasionally, several payments are due at the same time and you have to struggle temporarily with a financial bottleneck. In such a case, the friends or relatives can usually help out. However, for some it is not feasible to ask relatives or friends for a certain amount of money. And an application to the house bank for a loan is unnecessary solely because of poor creditworthiness or a Credit Bureau entry. However, this does not mean that all options are exhausted. A borrower has a good chance of getting a loan even with poor creditworthiness and without Credit Bureau information

What points have to be considered regarding mobile phone credit?

As a borrower, first make sure that the monthly loan repayment rates are not too high. Remember that there are other things to pay for your income. Last but not least, good financing depends on low interest rates and good conditions. Many borrowers want a loan that is as adaptable as possible. The possibility of being able to stop paying the installments for a month is just as important as special repayments without additional costs. If financing contains all of these things, then it is definitely recommended for cell phone loans.

However, there are a few things you should consider so that there are no obstacles to your financing as a trainee, employee, unemployed, student, pensioner or self-employed:

1. Do not borrow more money than is actually needed

In principle, the guiding principle applies: The necessary funds must be dimensioned as precisely as possible when planning in relation to the topic of mobile phone credit. It is therefore an absolute must to prepare the issues beforehand so that you do not experience any unpleasant surprises afterwards. It would be wise to consider a small buffer – too large a cushion leads to unnecessarily high liabilities. Therefore do not take out a higher loan than is needed. It is better to supplement the under-calculated need with follow-up or top-up financing.

2. Establish and structure a financing plan

Having precise control over income and expenses and correctly assessing your financial situation are essential prerequisites for a required loan. Of course, this premise applies particularly to the subject of mobile phone loans. Here helps z. B. A detailed weekly list of all expenses: So in the evening you use receipts and receipts to note how much money has been spent on that day. Small amounts of money, such as morning coffee at the bakery or beer after work in the pub, should also be taken into account in order to uncover hidden expenses. So you can not only judge where you can save something; the cost table is also an aid in assessing the optimal repayment rate.

3. Be careful and conscientious

It is important to be correct, honest and careful with all information about your own financial situation and creditworthiness – be correct, honest and accurate with all information about your financial situation and creditworthiness. You should take enough time to carefully compile all evidence and documents. This is the only way to draw a serious, exact picture of your own financial situation, which undoubtedly has a positive effect on the chances for an instant loan or an emergency loan.

What an experienced mediator can do for you

What an experienced mediator can do for you

In principle, the main activity of an intermediary is to support you in the search for a suitable “loan without Credit Bureau”. However, the activity does not extend to pure mediation. Sometimes it also includes comprehensive debt counseling. A really good broker will give you detailed advice on the financing offer by showing you the advantages and disadvantages. He will also support you in compiling all the required application documents.

Advantages and disadvantages in mediation


  • Good connections also to lesser known banks and credit institutions
  • Advisory service before submitting the application
  • Procurement of loans even if the creditworthiness is insufficient
  • Assistance in compiling the documents for the loan application
  • Aid for argumentation in the event of unfortunate personal circumstances or high financing amounts
  • Good options on cheap loan interest


  • Risk of obtaining overpriced loans
  • Possible costs of brokering credit
  • Doubtful offers are not always immediately recognizable
  • Risk of obtaining overpriced loans

A number of intermediaries have good connections to small and lesser-known banks, which offers the opportunity to obtain extremely effective conditions for cell phone loans. It is easily possible to negotiate difficult cases. In the case of small banks, the applicant’s creditworthiness is still largely checked manually, so that the intermediary can credibly justify a negative entry in the Credit Bureau, for example. In this way, such an entry in the credit check is not as important as in a large bank, where such a procedure is almost exclusively computer-controlled. Such an application for a cell phone loan would have absolutely no chance at an established bank.

This is how serious creditors differ from dubious credit intermediaries

When it comes to cell phone credit, a reputable broker will always act in your interest. In principle, because the agent receives his commission from the bank, you do not incur any expenses or other payments.

You can recognize a reputable credit broker by the following criteria:

  • There are no costs for arranging a loan
  • The company has a website with contact options, imprint and address
  • With a test call the company can actually be reached and {the employee awakening conversation partner} makes a serious impression
  • You will receive specific information on terms, loan amount, debit and effective interest

The characteristics of a dubious mediator

  • Credit applications are sent cash on delivery
  • Offers in the form of a financial restructuring
  • Unregistered home visit
  • Demanding a fee for the consultation and regardless of the conclusion of the loan contract
  • You are promised 100 percent loan approval
  • Financing depends on taking out residual debt insurance or other insurance
  • Calculation of expenses or additional costs
  • The broker only takes action if you sign a brokerage contract

Foreign credit institutions – a good alternative for mobile phone loans

Whether you need the start-up capital for your new existence, need a new car or you are planning a long vacation trip – loans from foreign banks are being used more and more to finance you. Many foreign institutes now offer cheap loans on the Internet, which are individually tailored to the needs of customers. The decisive plus is that the guidelines for granting a loan at foreign financial institutions are not as strict as ours in Germany.

Therefore, an unfavorable credit rating or a negative entry in the Credit Bureau only play a minor role when it comes to cell phone loans. Loans are brokered online, which are funded by Infra banks. This fact is particularly interesting for those consumers who need a financial injection particularly quickly and have already been rejected by Cream bank. These include, for example, students, the self-employed, pensioners, trainees, the unemployed or employees during the trial period. It is these people in particular who find it extremely difficult to get a loan with regard to mobile phone loans.

Which is why a Swiss loan is a good alternative

Which is why a Swiss loan is a good alternative

When it comes to granting a loan, it is often difficult for private individuals with money problems. With debt or poor creditworthiness, the chance of financing is considerably reduced. In such cases, a so-called “Swiss loan” can be a real option. It means a loan from a Cream bank. In principle, such institutes do not conduct Credit Bureau queries, which logically makes it extremely easier to find loans. With regard to the topic of mobile phone credit, this fact can be considered almost ideal.

Of course, you also need certain collateral and proof of income for a loan from Swiss financial institutions, although a credit check is also mandatory before the loan is granted. However, if you have a fundamentally secure credit rating and the Credit Bureau entry is your only concern when it comes to financing, the Swiss loan represents a realistic chance for a cell phone loan.

This is how cell phone credit is guaranteed to work

When you search for a cell phone loan on the web, you may mean a “loan despite Credit Bureau”, that is, “despite a moderate credit rating”. If information about the applicant’s creditworthiness is not obtained from Credit Bureau, then well-known financial service providers will certainly turn to other credit agencies.

There is actually no one who lives in Germany and has no entry or score at Credit Bureau. Because if you set up a bank account in the Federal Republic or even applied for a credit card, such a credit score will be created for you. There is therefore no “credit without Credit Bureau” at {any bank}. What is there, however, is a “loan despite Credit Bureau entry”. Fortunately, the majority of consumer scoring at Credit Bureau is positive. Still, a lot of people believe that they have a “negative Credit Bureau entry”

Before you submit a loan application to the bank, you should first find out how it is with your credit rating or whether it is in fact so poor that your application may be rejected. It is also possible to query the Credit Bureau score free of charge once a year. In order to be able to find out for yourself what personal information is stored, you have been able to obtain a so-called self-assessment from the credit reporting agency since 2010. According to Section 34 of the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG), you are normally entitled to this information free of charge, once a year.

You can request your own scoring (Credit Bureau score) and information on whether any institute has obtained information about you in the past few months from “MeineCredit Bureau”. The scoring is linked to various “ratings”. These are somewhere between 1 and 100. The higher the value, the better the credit rating. 100 is the maximum score anyone can get. In this case, an extremely low probability of failure is assumed. A value of 50, on the other hand, means in plain text that Credit Bureau assumes that payment defaults are far more likely.

Tip: This is how you can have a negative Credit Bureau entry deleted

Tip: This is how you can have a negative Credit Bureau entry deleted

An invoice is due and you overlook the fact that you have to pay it on time. Be it because of a move with a new mailing address, through no-fault, short-term financial bottlenecks or through a longer vacation. Sooner or later there may be difficulties with an unpaid mobile phone bill. It happened quickly. You suddenly have a negative Credit Bureau entry and can only apply for a loan with Credit Bureau. A reduction in the score by several reminders means that it can have an impact on the application for a loan.

On the other hand, every consumer can have a negative Credit Bureau entry deleted for their protection. The credit agency stores large amounts of data. It can therefore happen that the information provided is very often out of date or incorrect. In any case, as a consumer, you should exercise your right to request self-disclosure and, if necessary, have existing entries that are no longer up to date eliminated. It is sufficient if a deletion is ordered from the credit agency. On the other hand, the condition is that the open invoice must be paid within 6 weeks and must not exceed USD 2,000.

Your data at Credit Bureau – deletion of Credit Bureau data

Even without your intervention, the data at Credit Bureau will be automatically removed after a certain period of time. This happens for example with:

  • after exactly one year for information about inquiries; This information will only be passed on to Credit Bureau contract partners for 10 days
  • for loans 3 years after the year of the complete repayment (to the day) of the loan
  • for information about outstanding claims, each after a period of 3 full calendar years (ie with the expiry of December 31 of the third calendar year, which follows the entry)
  • for online or mail order purchases, in the event that the claims have now been settled

Swiss credit – the advantages

Individuals who need a loan because they are in a precarious financial situation often find it difficult. Financing is made significantly more difficult due to poor creditworthiness and debts. In such cases, a so-called “Swiss loan” can be a sensible alternative. It means a loan from a Cream bank. Credit Bureau queries are generally not carried out by such banks, which makes it much easier to get the loan. This is especially ideal when it comes to mobile phone loans.

Of course, you also need certain collateral and proof of income from a Infra bank for a loan, whereby a credit check also takes place before the loan is granted. With a guaranteed credit rating, the Swiss loan is a real alternative for mobile phone credit, even if you have a negative entry in the Credit Bureau.

What is the “APR”

What is the "APR"

The “effective annual interest rate” or “effective annual interest rate” is also of crucial importance for mobile phone loans. What is the “annual percentage rate”? This means the interest costs for loans per year, which are calculated using the nominal loan amount. It is specified with an agreed percentage of the payment amount. In addition to fixed interest rates, there are also variable or flexible interest rates or other price-determining factors for loans. This interest rate is a so-called initial “annual percentage rate”

Sometimes a fixed borrowing rate is set for a loan for the entire duration of the term. In plain language, this means that even if there are fluctuations in interest rates on the capital markets, the nominal interest rate on which the “loan” is based remains unaffected. A fixed borrowing rate provides you as a credit customer with the necessary planning security. You can be sure that the interest rate on the “loan amount” will remain the same throughout the term of the loan.

What does the loan term mean

The loan term of a loan has a significant impact on the loan terms that the bank grants to the borrower. In other words, the borrower has to pay smaller monthly installments if the “loan term” is longer than if he chooses a loan with a short term. The corresponding decision regarding different options regarding the loan term can therefore be quite advantageous. Nevertheless, not all maturities are offered for all loans.

The time from the payment to the full repayment or repayment of the loan amount is referred to as either the loan term or the loan term. The duration depends on the amount of the nominal interest and the repayment. The term is clearly primarily influenced by the repayment rate. The lower the repayment amount, the longer it will take for the loan and thus the loan amount including processing fees and interest to be paid off in full. There are also special loans with very long terms (at least 5 years). These are called long-term loans.

What are the loan fees

Loan fees are often referred to as loan processing fees, processing commission, closing fee or processing fees. These fees are mostly the costs that the credit institution was allowed to bill until 2014 for the effort required to process an application for a loan or a credit request. The calculation of the “loan fees” for processing a loan request, including the assessment of the borrower’s creditworthiness, was declared illegal in May 2014.

As a result, banks and other financial service providers may no longer demand costs that are dependent on the loan amount requested. Until now, such processing fees have normally been around 1 – 3 {{percent}} of the loan amount, for example, for a loan of USD 10,000, this was already USD 150 to 450. Processing fees that have already been paid by borrowers for the loan application or the credit request can therefore be reclaimed in many cases.

What is a lender

The lender is understood to mean a private person or a company that lends money to the borrower or borrower for a certain time at an appropriate rate of return. In principle, the “lender” is spoken of in the legal texts. In this context, one often hears the terms “lender” or “creditor”.

A loan always poses a major repayment risk for the lender. For this reason, the interest is usually higher than for a normal loan. Lenders are typically financial institutions such as insurance companies, building societies or credit banks. The Civil Code (BGB) is decisive for the rights and obligations of the borrower.

What is the monthly rate

“Loans with poor creditworthiness” are in principle a little more expensive, but must also be repaid by means of individual monthly installments. In the case of loans, the monthly installment contains an essential element – the interest rate. The bank calculates the interest rate based on the prices currently charged for interest on the capital market. Usually, she later passes this interest on to her customers with a reasonable premium.

The “monthly installment” for loan repayment is another component. The borrower usually determines the repayment rate based on his income. Repayment is generally one percent for {longer-term loan contracts} per year. If the borrower intends to repay the loan amount and thus the loan amount in a shorter period of time, he must agree a higher repayment with the bank. It is then to be expected, according to the repayment amount, an increased monthly charge.

Repayment and interest rate are thus the central factors that determine the monthly rate for loans. Integrated in the monthly rate, however, are the brokerage commissions and the processing fees of the banks. These costs are included in the total loan amount as part of the monthly installment, although they have already been taken into account in the interest as standard.

What is a debt rescheduling loan

What is a debt rescheduling loan

A debt rescheduling loan is a loan that someone takes out in order to be able to repay an existing loan with a high interest rate somewhat more cheaply. With such a debt rescheduling, the borrower can save money. Debt restructuring also offers the benefit of being able to combine different loans into one. You can therefore disclose more than one loan for a debt rescheduling. Logically, for a “debt rescheduling loan” you do not go to the {credit institution} where you took out the first loan, but to another. In exceptional cases, you can take out the loan for a debt rescheduling from the same bank again, in the event that you are offered a lower interest rate this time.

The real purpose of a debt rescheduling loan is certainly to have a smaller financial outlay after you take out the new loan. Even if the interest is only minimally cheaper, it can mean that you will save a lot of money in the end.

What is the total loan amount

What is the total loan amount? It usually includes all costs that a bank customer has to repay in connection with the loan received. Therefore, this is not just the pure loan amount, but the total amount including the additional costs that the borrower pays back to the financial institution during the repayment within the agreed loan term. The requested loan amount is increased by any commission or processing fees as well as the interest due. The “total loan amount” therefore includes all fees and expenses incurred, which may make it significantly more expensive than the actual nominal amount of the loan.

{The cost} for residual debt insurance that may be taken out to hedge the loan amount is also part of the total loan amount.

What is the loan amount

What is the loan amount

If the borrower is approved, the loan amount is then paid out net. The payout may be lower because the “loan amount” is not paid in full as a total. This also applies to a “Swiss loan” or a loan.

In the course of checking a loan application for a loan amount, either the applicant’s existing total income or, for a commercial loan amount, the business documents are checked. How high the loan amount is then of secondary importance. The monthly income of the borrower is checked for a loan amount of USD 500.00 as well as for a loan amount of USD 10,000.00.

The monthly installment for repayment within a set time is generally fixed for the loan amount. As far as these agreements are concerned, they are always firmly anchored in the loan agreement. If the borrower has the corresponding income, he can also repay the loan amount more quickly through special repayments. Whether these special repayments are subject to fees or are offered free of charge must be determined from the respective financing offer. If the last installment for the loan amount has been repaid, the contractual relationship automatically expires. When applying for a loan again, the borrower must in turn submit one in writing to the bank.

What are the credit rating criteria

Without a credit check, there is no loan. The result of the credit check depends in particular on the “credit rating criteria” and is in principle the credit rating that determines the corresponding premiums on the loan. If the credit rating is positive, relatively low interest rates are required. If the credit check gives a good result, there are decisive advantages in any case. There are quite a few differences between the various financial service providers in the normal credit rating criteria. However, the credit rating criteria mentioned here are the same for every bank and are valid for every applicant.

  • What is the monthly earnings?
  • What is the employment relationship like?
  • Is the borrower a manager, officer, or contract agent?
  • Who’s the employer?
  • Where is the borrower’s place of residence?
  • Are there entries at Credit Bureau or other credit bureaus?
  • Does the borrower keep a household ledger with an entry-expense report?
  • Are there assets in the form of buildings or land?
  • What is the marital status?
  • Are there any existing loans and guarantees?

These are the prerequisites for cell phone credit

In order to positively influence the decision of the loan broker for your loan, you have to fulfill certain preconditions. Which includes:

  • Age of majority upon application
  • German address
  • Account with a domestic financial institution
  • current monthly income
  • sufficient creditworthiness
  • for earmarked financing, collateral such as real estate or a car

A so-called personal loan or credit private, which various credit intermediaries have in the program, can usually also be obtained with an unfavorable credit rating. In this case, “borrowing money without Credit Bureau” does not go through a normal financial institution, but through one or more donors.

“Mobile phone loan” – worthwhile tips

"Mobile phone loan" - worthwhile tips

In the event that you want to apply for a loan with a poor Credit Bureau score or unfavorable Credit Bureau, then first consider whether you are able to repay the loan without any major difficulties. Usually it is not without reason that the loan application is rejected by the financial institution.

Remember: One of the business principles of credit banks is to ensure that as many consumers as possible take out a loan and repay it on time, in full and with interest. It is therefore not the case that financial institutions are not interested in granting the loans. If payment behavior was previously very inadequate, it can be expected that there will be no timely repayment in the future. As a result, the application is then logically rejected. But even with a sufficient Credit Bureau, the loan application can be rejected. Namely, when the necessary funds are insufficient or the minimum income is so low that the repayment of the financing is not guaranteed.

It is therefore necessary to compare the total income with the monthly expenses before applying. Only then should you decide whether to apply for a “loan without Credit Bureau”. You will then already know in advance whether you can easily repay the desired loan or whether the installments due might go beyond your household budget. Please keep in mind that there can always be something surprising in financial terms, which makes it difficult or even impossible for you to pay back the loan amount conscientiously. This could be, for example, the defective car, a broken refrigerator or a high payment request from the electricity or gas provider.

If you are smart, you can take advantage of competent advice from your personal credit advisor for a “Credit Bureau entry loan”. If necessary, he will analyze your financial options together with you and will also help you to find the right offer. People who did not seek advice before taking a carefree “loan despite Credit Bureau” have often been caught in a debt trap – with unpredictable economic consequences. On top of that, the loan broker can provide competent advice on the merger of various loans, ie, “debt restructuring despite Credit Bureau”.

You will only receive a “loan with Credit Bureau” or a “loan with Credit Bureau entry” from the bank if you have a sufficient Credit Bureau score. Take the opportunity to get the Credit Bureau Score free of charge once a year.

Green loans: Renovate the house to improve its energy class

Purchase a hybrid or electric car. These are ambitious projects which can often be very expensive. This is why banks have created dedicated loans: green loans.

In detail, they promote respect for the earth, which is so topical in 2019, and vary from bank to bank to entice the population to invest in renewable energy and, in general, in everything that can create energy efficiency, to facilitate the passage from traditional forms of construction and technology to ecological ones.



green loans

Compared to traditional ones, green loans have various concessions: zero preliminary fees, customizable installments, online management, digital signature. And not only do they have subsidized interest rates and lower spreads are usually applied compared to classic mortgages: normally it does not exceed 5% if the loan is aimed at the purchase, renovation or construction of a green house from scratch. In addition, the funding, which ranges from $ 2,500 to $ 100,000, covers 100% of the cost of the interventions.


Goals, from home to plants


For this reason, ecological loans or green loans are addressed, not only to the construction of an energy efficient house, but also to all those projects aimed at the realization of renewable energy plants, from photovoltaic to geothermal. The banks accept the grant of green mortgages for those investments that concern the following ecological investment areas: the purchase of properties with energy class A or with certain efficiency parameters; energy redevelopment interventions, specific for the purchase of thermal insulating materials or for the improvement, insulation and adaptation of the thermal system or electrical system; the construction of buildings with green building techniques.


The target: individuals and companies

credit loans

Green loans are aimed at both companies and individuals. All categories of the population are involved, from employees, to public workers, to self-employed workers, to freelancers or even pensioners: practically all those who wish to transform their home, an uncultivated space, in general their life, making it greener than ever. Numerous banks have devised forms of green loans. But if you are already a customer of a credit institution, you should understand what are the green loan offers made available by the same; in case you had to choose among many proposals, then it is better to evaluate all the parameters and choose the most suitable estimate for your needs.

The green loan is one of those forms of financing aimed, precisely for this reason the bank will request all the necessary documentation to validate this end.

Usually you need: the identification document, the tax code and the document certifying the applicant’s income; proof of expenditure, ie a quote or an invoice. Therefore, the banks will take into account the quality of the project if the operations concern thermal insulation, improvement of the electrical system and of the domestic heating system. In short, the aim of the works must be to achieve a reduction in energy losses and consumption.

What is to be considered in the case of instant credit without Credit Bureau serious?


It is important for you that the installments for your loan are as small as possible. It is much easier for you if there is enough money left over from your income for other important things. The key to good financing is low interest rates and good conditions. Many borrowers want the greatest possible flexibility in their loan. This includes breaks in installments for one or more months as well as special repayments without additional costs. All of this should include sustainable financing on the subject of instant credit without Credit Bureau Serious.

However, keep a few things in mind so that nothing stands in the way of your loan as a student, self-employed, pensioner, unemployed, trainee or employee:

1. Only take up as much money as you really need

In general, the basic principle applies: The necessary funds should be assessed realistically when planning with regard to the subject of instant credit without Credit Bureau Serious. Make a list of all expenses in advance, then you are always on the safe side and do not experience any unpleasant surprises afterwards. Without a doubt, it would not be wrong to consider a small financial cushion, whereby the emphasis is on “small”, because if this buffer is too large, it would inevitably lead to high liabilities. If possible, the required credit should not exceed the envisaged framework. The better solution is to supplement the under-calculated need for funds with an increase or follow-up financing.

2. Create an overview and structure of your finances

The top priority for a planned project is to realistically assess your financial situation and then calculate the amount of the loan. Last but not least, this also applies to the subject of instant credit without Credit Bureau Serious. Here, for example, a precise weekly breakdown of your own costs helps: So every day it is listed exactly for what things how much money was spent. In order not to overlook any hidden costs, smaller amounts should also be taken into account, such as the hamburger at Mac Donalds or the after-work beer in the pub. In this way, it is not only possible to assess where there is still potential for savings; the cost table is also an aid in assessing the optimal loan rate.

3. Be careful, honest and accurate

It is important to be honest, accurate and careful with all information about your creditworthiness and your own financial situation – especially with regard to instant credit Without Credit Bureau Serious, with all information about your creditworthiness and your own financial situation carefully, accurately and honestly. You should take enough time to compile all the evidence and documents. This is the only way to get a precise and serious picture of your finances, which has a positive effect on the chances for an instant loan or an emergency loan.


What can a professional mediator do for you?

What can a professional mediator do for you?

The primary activity of an intermediary is generally to support you in finding a cheap “loan without Credit Bureau” at a foreign or German financial institution. The assistance does not only extend to the mere mediation, but is usually expanded to include comprehensive debt advice. In the event that you would like advice on a financing offer or need help compiling the documents for the loan despite Credit Bureau application, a professional loan despite Credit Bureau intermediary is clearly there for you as well.

Advantages and disadvantages in mediation

Advantages and disadvantages in mediation


  • Mediation of loans even with insufficient creditworthiness
  • Detailed advice before submitting the application
  • Help with compiling the documents for the loan application
  • Connections to lesser known banks and financial institutions
  • Help with arguments in the case of problematic personal circumstances or large amounts of funding
  • Good options on favorable terms
  • Mediation of loans even with insufficient creditworthiness


  • Possible costs of arranging a loan
  • Risk of arranging loans that are too expensive
  • Dubious offers are not always immediately recognizable

The article credit for car dealers is also worth reading

Because numerous intermediaries maintain good connections to small and less well-known financial institutions, there is a high probability of negotiating favorable conditions for Sofortkredit Ohne Credit Bureau Seriös. Even if a case has little chance of success, it can be negotiated. In comparison to large banks, where the credit approval process is almost entirely computer-controlled, each loan application is checked individually. This gives the intermediary the opportunity to justify a negative entry in the Credit Bureau so that he is not so important in the credit check. Such an application for an instant credit loan Without Credit Bureau Serious, there would be absolutely no chances at a normal bank.

What distinguishes serious from dubious credit intermediaries

What distinguishes serious from dubious credit intermediaries

A mediator who is reputable will always act in your interest when it comes to instant credit without Credit Bureau reputable. As a rule, he does not expect any expenses or advance payments from you for his work, because he receives his commission from the bank.

Reputable intermediaries can be identified by the following factors:

  • You do not pay any fees for arranging a loan
  • The agent has a website with address, imprint and contact options
  • The company can be reached by phone during business hours without having to wait a long time
  • You will receive specific information on the loan amount, debit interest, effective interest and terms

You can recognize a dubious broker by the following criteria:

  • Cost collection regardless of the conclusion of the loan contract, but only for advice
  • You are promised a hundred percent loan approval
  • Dispatch of the application documents by cash on delivery
  • Offers in the form of a financial restructuring
  • Unsolicited home visit
  • Required insurance in connection with the financing
  • Calculation of additional costs or expenses
  • The broker only takes action if you sign a brokerage contract

Foreign institutes – a good option for instant credit Without Credit Bureau Serious

Whether for the new car, a longer holiday trip, a new cell phone or the starting capital for your own business – loans from foreign financial institutions have long ceased to be a financing option that you have to shy away from. Numerous foreign institutes nowadays offer cheap loans on the Internet, which are individually adapted to the needs of customers. Choosing a financial institution abroad has the great advantage that the guidelines for lending are much easier there than with us in Germany. A negative entry in Credit Bureau or a poor credit rating are not so difficult when it comes to instant loans without Credit Bureau Serious. It is generally Swiss banks that grant loans that are brokered online. This fact is particularly interesting for those consumers who need an injection of money particularly quickly and have already been rejected by Best Banks. That would be z. B. Unemployed people, apprentices, probationary workers, pensioners, self-employed or students. It goes without saying that this group in particular has a particularly difficult time when it comes to instant credit without Credit Bureau Seriös.

Which is why a Swiss loan is a good option

Individuals with money problems often have no way of getting a loan. With debt or with poor creditworthiness, the chance of financing is significantly reduced. In such cases, a so-called “Swiss loan” can be a sensible option. This is a loan granted by a Swiss credit bank. Credit Bureau queries are generally not carried out by such banks, which makes it considerably easier to obtain the loan. This is a huge advantage, especially when it comes to instant credit without Credit Bureau Serious.

Taking out a loan without a credit check as well as various collateral and proof of income is of course also not possible with Swiss banks. With a positive credit rating, the Swiss loan is a realistic option for instant credit Without Credit Bureau Serious, even if you have a negative Credit Bureau entry.

This is how instant credit works without security

You probably mean a “loan without Credit Bureau” if you are looking for a “loan despite Credit Bureau” or “despite a moderate credit rating” on the Internet. If information about the applicant’s creditworthiness is not obtained from Credit Bureau, well-known financial institutions will definitely turn to other credit agencies.

There is actually no one who lives in Germany and has no entry or score at Credit Bureau. It is sufficient that you have applied for a credit card or opened a bank account. Then a corresponding value will be created for you at the same time. You don’t get a “loan without Credit Bureau” at a reputable bank. In principle, only a “loan despite Credit Bureau entry” is possible. In most cases, many consumers mistakenly believe that they have a “negative Credit Bureau entry”. Rather, the statistics show that most people’s scoring is positive!

Before submitting a loan application to the bank, you should check in advance what your score looks like or whether it is really so poor that your application is sometimes rejected. It is also possible to request the “Credit Bureau Score” from Credit Bureau once a year free of charge. Since 2010 there has been an option to obtain so-called self-disclosure from the credit agency. In this way you can then determine what information is stored. According to Section 34 of the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG), you are normally entitled to this information free of charge, once a year. What kind of facts does the information contain that you can query at “MeineCredit Bureau”? First your own score (Credit Bureauscore), but also who has made a request about you in the past few months. Your score is based on various “ratings”, which are anywhere between 1 and 100. The higher this value, the better the creditworthiness is assessed. The best value is 100. This means that the probability of failure is extremely low. On the other hand, a value of 50 means in plain text that Credit Bureau assumes that payment difficulties are much more likely.

Our tip: This is how you can “delete a negative Credit Bureau entry”

Our tip: This is how you can "delete a negative Credit Bureau entry"

Due invoice not paid – this has happened to everyone. Be it because of a short-term financial bottleneck for which you couldn’t do anything, because of a longer vacation or because of a move with a new postal address. A mobile phone bill that has been forgotten to be paid on time can also cause problems at some point. That happened quickly. You suddenly have a disadvantageous Credit Bureau entry and have to find out that the loan application is rejected. Reducing the scoring through multiple reminders can have consequences for applying for a loan.

On the other hand, as a consumer you can have a disadvantageous entry at Credit Bureau eliminated. It may happen that the credit agency still has information that is either incorrect or very old and therefore out of date. As a consumer, you should definitely exercise your right to self-disclosure in order to have old entries deleted. Such a deletion can be ordered from the credit agency. As a condition, however, the invoice must be paid within 6 weeks and must not exceed USD 2,000.

Deletion of Credit Bureau data – your data at Credit Bureau

Even without your intervention, the Credit Bureau entries are automatically eliminated after a certain period of time. This usually happens:

  • after 12 months for information about inquiries; This information is only passed on to Credit Bureau contract partners within ten days
  • for loans three years after the year of full repayment (exact to the day) of the loan
  • for information about due receivables, each after a period of three full calendar years (this means, at the end of December 31 of the third calendar year that follows the entry)
  • for claims from mail order companies, if these have been paid in the meantime

Why a Swiss loan is a good option

It is often far from easy for a private individual who is in a precarious financial situation to get a loan. The explanation: The chances of financing are reduced considerably with poor creditworthiness or debt. In such cases, the last option is a Swiss loan. This means a loan that is approved by a Swiss financial institution. A negative Credit Bureau entry is irrelevant for these banks because such an inquiry is generally not required, which makes the search for a loan considerably easier. When it comes to the subject of instant credit without Credit Bureau Serious, this is a huge advantage.

Of course, it is also not possible for Swiss financial service providers to take out a loan without a credit check as well as various proof of income and collateral. However, if you have a reasonably positive credit rating and the Credit Bureau entry is the only problem with financing, the Swiss loan is a real option for instant credit Without Credit Bureau Serious.

What is the “APR”

With instant credit Without Credit Bureau Serious, due to the greater risk of default, the credit costs are sometimes somewhat higher than usual. The “effective annual interest rate” or “effective annual interest rate” plays an important role here. The “APR” is the annual cost of loans related to the nominal loan amount. Depending on the amount paid out, it is specified with a certain percentage. For loans whose interest or other price-related factors can change during the term of the loan, this interest rate is referred to as the initial “annual percentage rate”

A fixed borrowing rate is sometimes also fixed for a loan for the entire term. In plain language, this means: Regardless of the numerous interest rate fluctuations on the capital markets, the nominal interest underlying the “loan” remains unaffected. The advantage for you: As a loan customer, a fixed borrowing rate offers you the security for strategic planning. So you can be sure that the interest rate on the “loan amount” will not change during the entire term.

What does the loan term mean

The respective conditions that are granted to the borrower have a significant influence on the term of a loan. This means that the longer the “loan term” for a loan, the smaller the individual monthly installments that the borrower has to repay, and vice versa. The right decision of various options with regard to the loan term can therefore definitely be advantageous. Please note that some loans only offer a limited selection of terms.

The time interval between payment and full payment of the loan amount is called either the credit term or the loan term. In principle, the duration depends on both the repayment and the amount of the nominal interest. Accordingly, the repayment rate has a significant meaning for the term. With a relatively low repayment amount, it will of course take a comparatively long time to fully pay the loan amount and thus the loan including any processing fees. If loans run for 5 years or longer, they are called long-term loans.

What are the loan fees

What are the loan fees

Loan fees are also referred to several times as closing fees, loan processing fees, processing commission and processing fees. These are costs that the credit bank was allowed to request for a loan request or to process the application for a loan. The calculation of the “loan fees” for processing a loan request, including the assessment of the borrower’s creditworthiness, has been declared illegal since May 2014. Processing fees, which were calculated depending on the respective loan amount and which on average made up 1 – 3 percent of the loan amount by 2014, may no longer be demanded today. In principle, the fees already paid for the credit request or the credit application can be reclaimed.

What is a lender

The lender is a natural or legal person who grants the borrower or borrower a loan for a certain period of time at an agreed interest rate. In principle, the legal texts refer to the “lender”. Other common terms are also “lenders” or “creditors”.

When the lender grants a loan, he charges higher interest rates because of the high risk. Lenders can include an insurance company, a credit bank or a building society. As far as the rights and obligations of the borrower are concerned, these are regulated on the basis of the BGB (Civil Code).

What is the monthly rate

The repayment of financing, such as “loans with poor credit ratings” is also made in individual monthly installments. With loans, the monthly installment includes an important component – the interest rate. The index for the interest rate is based on the current market interest rates that the bank pays itself on the capital market. It then passes this interest on to the borrowers, usually at a premium.

The “monthly installment” for the repayment of the loans is another component. How high the borrower determines the monthly repayment depends primarily on his income. With longer-term financing, the repayment is generally one percent per year. With a higher repayment, the loan amount and thus the loan amount can of course be repaid in a shorter period of time. The monthly charge is then of course significantly increased according to the amount of the repayment.

The monthly rate of a loan is therefore determined by the primary criteria of interest rate and repayment. The monthly installment also includes the brokerage commissions of the credit intermediaries and the processing fees of the banks. Although these costs are taken into account in the interest as standard, they are nevertheless a component of the monthly installment for the total loan amount.

What is a debt rescheduling loan

What is a debt rescheduling loan? This is a loan that a person takes out in order to be able to pay a loan with very high interest rates a little more cheaply by means of debt restructuring. Among other things, various loans can be merged into a single one when rescheduling. You can therefore specify more than one loan for a debt rescheduling. Logically, for a “debt rescheduling loan” you do not go back to the credit institution where you applied for the first loan, but to another. Regardless of this, the loan for rescheduling can again be applied for from the same bank.

You see, debt restructuring has several advantages. The real meaning and purpose, however, is that with the debt rescheduling loan after completing your new loan you have less financial expense than before. Even with relatively slightly lower interest rates, you can save a nice amount of money with the cheaper loan.

What is the total loan amount

The total loan amount includes all fees that the financing bank additionally charges the bank customer in the case of an approved loan. Consequently, this is not just the pure loan amount, but the total amount including the additional costs that the customer repays to the financial institution during the repayment within the loan term. The pure loan amount is increased by possible commissions or processing fees as well as the interest to be paid. The “total loan amount” therefore includes all fees and expenses that may arise, which may make it significantly more expensive than the actual nominal amount of the loan.

Also part of the total loan amount are the expenses which have to be paid in the form of a residual debt insurance in the course of borrowing.

What is the loan amount

What is the loan amount

Logically, the actual loan amount paid to the borrower by the credit institution after the loan application has been approved is lower than the total loan amount. The amount of the payment may also differ because the “loan amount” may not be paid out in full as a total amount. This also applies to a “Swiss loan” or a loan.

If a funding application is submitted for a loan amount, the bank will either determine the borrower’s total income or, for a commercial loan amount, the business records. A second aspect is the size of the loan amount. Whether the loan amount is only USD 800.00 or USD 300,000 – in any case, the applicant’s income will be checked by the financial institution.

The monthly installment for repayment within a specified period of time is in principle fixed for the loan amount. These credit terms are set out in the loan agreement without exception. If the borrower has the corresponding income, he can repay the loan amount before the contract expires using special repayments. If you want to know whether these special repayments are subject to fees or are offered for free, you have to look in the loan agreement. After payment of the last installment for the loan amount, the loan agreement is generally terminated automatically. If he wants to borrow a new loan amount, he can only do so in writing with a new application.

What are the credit rating criteria

Various potential borrowers ask whether there is a loan without checking the creditworthiness. The answer to the question is clearly “no”. The credit rating is based on the result of the credit check and defines the surcharges on the loan. The result depends primarily on the “creditworthiness criteria”. The better the credit rating, the lower the loan interest. If the credit check gives a good result, there are undoubtedly decisive advantages. The normal credit rating criteria of the credit institutions mostly differ from bank to bank. On the other hand, there are no differences between the individual banks in the following creditworthiness criteria.

Credit repayment and transparency: the new rules from Europe

The discipline that applies more stringent European rules on the methods of repayment of credits by customers started on 1 June. Banks and financial intermediaries will then have until January 1, 2021 to comply.

To inform people about the main novelties introduced with respect to investment services and on defaulting debtors c ABI classification, with a project developed in collaboration with banks and consumer groups aims to offer an excellent service more clear and transparent.

But let’s see in detail the news introduced.


Deadlines and refunds

Deadlines and refunds

More specifically, the new rules concern compliance and establish that the customer will be considered automatically defaulting if he has a backlog for more than 90 days :

  • above 100 dollars;
  • more than 1% of the credit received from the bank.

In order to no longer default, the customer will have to regularize his position and end his condition once at least 90 days have passed since the payment of the debt.

In our news Cancellation from Lite Lending: the timescales to be respected, we remind you that when requesting a loan, the user is entered by the same credit institutions in the database of Lite Lending, the Central Financial Risks. From that moment, all the news regarding the loan will be kept for a certain period of time, which varies according to the purposes of the treatment and the credit history.


ABI’s advice when applying for a loan

loan application

The premise is that applying for a loan means meeting the requirements for obtaining it. The most important are not to be reported by the Lite Lending as bad payers and to receive income that guarantees the repayment of the installments every month. Once the loan has been obtained, ABI recommends that:

  • respect deadlines avoiding accumulating even small arrears;
  • plan monthly income and expenses so as to always keep under control the availability of money;
  • frequently check account and card balances;
  • avoid taking out too many loans at the same time. If so, prefer a single consolidation loan that allows you to manage all the
  • previous open loans with a single intermediary and a single installment;
  • if one month is in difficulty with repayments, notify the bank immediately so as to evaluate together possible solutions


Information on the costs of charges and investments

Information on the costs of charges and investments

The directive which entered into force on 3 January 2018 with the aim of developing a single market for financial services in Europe, in which transparency and investor protection are ensured.

  • At the basis of the regulation is the principle according to which the intermediary must act in the best interest of the customer in two essential moments:
    before each investment, when the estimate of the costs and charges that it will incur is communicated;
  • periodically, at least once a year, when the costs and charges that it incurred for its investments are provided.

These costs vary according to the instrument and can be applied to customers at different times, per single operation or periodically. They will also be calculated on a fixed or percentage basis.


Do you need a loan? Choose the right one with Best Bank

Do you need a loan? Choose the right one with Best Bank

The demand for loans from households is growing and to date, more than businesses, have benefited from the Cream Bank’s expansionary policy: the latest Bankitalia surveys give them an increase of 2.5% compared to the same period of last year .

To contribute to this success is the evident state of grace in which the interest rate market is currently located, which reserves values ​​in constant decline. But the most convenient opportunities are those reserved for those willing to manage financing independently, thanks to the 100% digital products made available by banks and financial intermediaries. Loans are easier to apply for and obtain, which once the documents are collected and without prejudice to the possession of the necessary requisites, allow you to close the file in a very short time.

If then you have the foresight to compare the offers on the market, for example on the Best Bank comparator, then finding the right loan will be very simple, as well as free. Meanwhile, to get an idea of ​​the costs, in the best loans of the day section you can take a look at the best deals every day, distinguished according to the purpose required.

More and more expected companies. Already requests for loans

The slowdown in the number of credit applications submitted by Italian companies, which are adopting a prudent attitude pending a better definition of the political and economic framework, continues also in the third quarter.

Furthermore, the fact that the risk of the business sector sees default rates constantly improving, with a substantially stable outlook for the two-year period 2019-2020, benefits not only from the accommodative monetary policies of the Cream Bank, but also from the attitude of the companies that they turn to lenders when they are plausibly certain they can meet their financial commitments.“Thus, Samuel Perocho, executive director of Lite Lenders, comments on the data of the last quarterly barometer elaborated by Lite Lenders, which shows a further drop of 3, 1% of requests for credit from Italian companies.

The average amount requested (- 4.1%) also decreased, which marks the lowest value of the last 6 years.“Overall, the credit market is experiencing a phase of strong change, accelerated by the advent of new regulations, innovative technologies and new approaches – Arwind Perocho – In this regard, the analysis of the market segment eological in which the single company operates, also read from a perspective, becomes increasingly important and allows to integrate a forward looking perspective into credit decisions, an element now essential also in the accounting and regulatory assessments.


The analysis

The calculations carried out on the information assets of Eurisc, the Lite Lenders credit information system that collects data relating to over 85 million positions (over 9 million are attributable to companies), also confirm a wait-and-see position by companies in the third quarter of 2019 Italian, with a trend in the requests for evaluation and revaluation of receivables down -3.1% compared to the same period of the previous year. In particular, the decrease was generated by the 9.5% drop in requests from individual companies (volumes so contained were not recorded since 2012), which did not find compensation in the slight growth in requests from capital (+ 1.1%). “Uncertainty about the general macroeconomic framework and the worsening of confidence indicators contributed to this involutionary dynamic,” reads Lite Lenders’ s analysis. And in fact,


Already the average quantities

money loan

The drop in requests for loans from businesses was also accompanied by a drop in the average amount of loans (-4.1%), which in the third quarter of the year stood at 69,986 dollars. It is the lowest figure since the last 7 years. Specifically, the requests presented by sole proprietorships saw an average amount of 27,469 dollars, a decrease of 5.5% compared to the third quarter of 2018.

The average amount requested by the insurance companies also fell sharply (-6.8%) capital, which stops at 95,562 dollars. With regard to the distribution by amount classes, in the last quarter of the year almost a third of the total requests (32.6% of the total) were concentrated in the range below $ 5,000 by virtue of the preponderant weight of requests presented by sole proprietorships and micro enterprises.

Immediately small loan despite Credit Bureau.


Everything you need to consider with Lite Lender Small Loans Despite Credit Bureau

What is important in the first place. that the repayment of the loan can be made in not too high monthly amounts. So only expect as much as your current financial situation allows. Last but not least, good financing depends on low interest rates and good conditions. A lot of customers want their loan to be as flexible as possible. Special repayments without additional costs are just as much a part of this as installment breaks for one or more months. Good financing on the subject of instant small loans Despite Credit Bureau, this should offer everything.

However, there are a few things that you have to consider so that nothing stands in the way of your financing as a self-employed person, pensioner, student, employee, trainee or unemployed:

1. Do not borrow more money than is de facto necessary

In principle, the guiding principle applies: The necessary funds should be measured as precisely as possible with regard to the topic of instant small loans despite Credit Bureau. A list of all expenses is therefore an absolute necessity in order not to experience any nasty surprises afterwards. Taking into account a small financial cushion would certainly be wise – too large a buffer, however, leads to unnecessarily high liabilities. For this reason, you should keep the amount of the loan as low as possible. The better solution is to supplement the understated need with the help of top-up or follow-up financing.

2. The structuring of his finances

Anyone who needs a loan for Lite Lender Despite Credit Bureau must realistically assess their financial position in advance and have precise control over expenses and income. For example, keeping a record of all expenses every week is a valuable aid: for how much money is spent per day? In fact, every single expenditure that has been made should be taken into account in order to really record all amounts. This not only allows you to judge where you can save something; the cost schedule is also helpful in assessing the correct repayment rate.

3. Be careful and conscientious

With all information about your creditworthiness and your own financial situation, it is important to be careful, exact and absolutely honest – Be correct, honest and precise with all information about your financial situation and creditworthiness when it comes to the subject of instant small credit despite Credit Bureau. You should take enough time to carefully compile all evidence and documents. The complete and honest presentation of your finances gives you a serious picture of yourself, which has a positive effect on your chances for an express or instant loan.

A good mediator can do a lot for you

The main activity of an intermediary is basically to support you in finding a cheap “loan without Credit Bureau” at a foreign or Cream bank. In detail, the help offered can also go beyond the scope of pure mediation and can be expanded to include debt advice. An experienced broker will advise you on the financing offer, show you the advantages and disadvantages and support you in compiling the application documents.

Advantages and disadvantages of loan brokerage


  • Contacts with lesser known banks and institutes
  • Extensive advice before submitting the application
  • Procurement of loans even if the creditworthiness is insufficient
  • Help with the compilation of the application documents
  • Reasoning aid for large amounts of funding or problematic personal circumstances
  • Good chances of cheap loan interest


  • Doubtful offers are not always immediately recognizable
  • Risk of procuring overpriced loans
  • Possible costs of obtaining loans

The contribution credit for a house is also worth reading

With regard to the good relationships that numerous brokers maintain with small banks, there are good chances of getting better conditions for Lite Lender despite Credit Bureau. Even negotiations on difficult cases are easily possible. Because of their good connections, they can e.g. B. explain negative Credit Bureau entries so that they are not as important in the credit check as in the automated processes of large banks. Applying for a loan to Lite Lender Despite Credit Bureau at a normal bank, in contrast, would be an almost hopeless undertaking.

This is how serious creditors differ from dubious credit brokers

First of all: A serious broker is always in your interest when it comes to instant small loans, despite Credit Bureau. As a rule, you as the applicant do not incur any costs for its services, as it receives its commission from the bank.

Reputable credit brokers can be identified by the following factors:

  • You will receive specific information on the loan amount, terms, debit and effective interest
  • There are no costs for you to obtain financing
  • The agent has a website including contact options, imprint and address
  • The office can be reached by phone during business hours without being in a long queue

A dubious mediator can be recognized by these factors

  • Payment of a fee already for the advice and regardless of the conclusion of the loan contract
  • You are promised 100 percent loan approval
  • Dispatch of documents on delivery
  • Offers in the form of a financial restructuring
  • Unannounced acquisition at home
  • Required insurance in connection with the financing
  • Calculation of expenses or additional costs
  • Urge to sign the agency contract

What are the advantages of Lite Lender Small Loans Foreign banks despite Credit Bureau

Whether for the new car, a longer vacation trip, a new cell phone or the starting capital for starting a business – loans from foreign credit institutions have long ceased to be a financing option that you have to keep your hands off. In addition to the normal route to the house bank, customers today also have the option of taking out loans from foreign banks via the Internet. Advantage: The guidelines for lending are not as strict in Germany. With Lite Lender Small Loans Despite Credit Bureau, a negative Credit Bureau entry or an unfavorable credit rating do not weigh so much. In principle, it is Infra banks that grant loans that are brokered via the Internet. So if you need an injection of money quickly and have already been rejected by a Cream bank, this fact could be very interesting. These include, for example, students, the self-employed, pensioners, trainees, the unemployed or employees during the probationary period. It goes without saying that this group, in particular, has an exceptionally difficult time when it comes to immediate small loans despite Credit Bureau.

The benefits of a Swiss loan

Individuals who need a loan because they are in a financial emergency often find it difficult. It is especially the people with debts or bad credit who urgently need money. In such cases, a Swiss loan is a useful option. This is a loan that a Swiss financial institution issues. Since such banks do not carry out Credit Bureau queries, this reason does not play a role in lending. As far as the instant small loan is concerned, despite Credit Bureau, that’s a huge advantage.

Of course, you cannot get a loan from Swiss financial service providers without a credit check, as well as various proof of income and collateral. If it is only the Credit Bureau entry that worries you, the Swiss loan could be a real opportunity for you, provided that your creditworthiness is so far in the green.

Immediately small loan Despite Credit Bureau: How it works

If you are looking for Lite Lender Small Loans Despite Credit Bureau or “despite moderate creditworthiness”, you do not mean in principle a “loan without Credit Bureau”. All well-known credit providers check the applicant’s creditworthiness today. Even if this is not done through the Credit Bureau, then at another credit agency.

At the largest credit agency in Germany, the Credit Bureau, everyone actually has a score entry. If you have a credit card or have set up an account with the bank, you have already created such a value. You cannot get a “loan without Credit Bureau” from a reputable financial institution. So to speak, only a “loan despite Credit Bureau entry” is possible. Fortunately, the majority of consumer scoring at Credit Bureau is positive. Nevertheless, a lot of people suspect that they have a “negative Credit Bureau entry”

Our tip: This is how you can “delete a negative Credit Bureau entry”

Not paying the bill – it can happen to anyone. There can be various reasons for this: You were currently in a financial bottleneck, had to move to a new address or were on vacation at the time. A cell phone bill that was not paid on time may also cause problems sooner or later. One or the other fell out of the clouds when he submitted a loan application to his bank years later, but was rejected due to a negative Credit Bureau. If there are reminders or even payment requests and thus a reduction in the score, this can have consequences for applying for a loan.

On the other hand, every consumer can have a bad Credit Bureau entry deleted for their protection. Due to the large volume of data and the wealth of information, there is also the possibility that the information stored at Credit Bureau may be outdated or incorrect. As a consumer, you should definitely exercise your right to self-disclosure in order to have old entries deleted if necessary. You can request such deletion directly from the credit agency. {However, you must have paid the claim within six weeks and the amount must not exceed USD 2,000}.

Deletion of Credit Bureau data – your data at Credit Bureau

The Credit Bureau data will be deleted automatically after a certain time without your request. This happens for example with:

  • for information about requests after exactly one year; This information will only be passed on to Credit Bureau contract partners within 10 days
  • for loans to the day, 36 months after the year in which the loan is fully repaid
  • for information about outstanding claims, each after a period of three full calendar years (ie at the end of December 31 of the third calendar year that follows the storage)
  • for mail order or online purchases, if the claims have now been settled

The advantages of a Swiss loan

When it comes to granting a loan, it is often difficult for private individuals in financial need. Financing is made considerably more difficult in the face of debt or poor creditworthiness. In such cases, a Swiss loan is a reasonable alternative. This is a loan that a Swiss financial service provider grants. Such banks generally do not conduct Credit Bureau queries, which of course makes it extremely easy to find loans. As far as the instant small loan issue is concerned, despite Credit Bureau, that’s a huge advantage.

Clearly, even with Infra banks, you cannot get a loan without checking the creditworthiness and various proof of income and collateral. With a positive credit rating, the Swiss loan represents a real opportunity for Lite Lender Despite Credit Bureau, even if you have a negative entry in Credit Bureau.

What is the “APR”

For Lite Lender Small Loans Despite Credit Bureau, the “effective annual interest rate” or “effective annual interest rate” is also important. The annual cost of a loan related to the nominal loan amount is referred to as the “APR”. As a percentage, it is always dependent on the payout. In addition to fixed interest rates, there are also flexible or variable interest rates or other price-relevant factors for financing. This interest rate is a so-called initial “annual percentage rate”

When financing is approved, a fixed borrowing rate can also be set for the entire term. That means: Irrespective of the numerous interest rate fluctuations on the capital markets, the nominal interest underlying the “loan” remains stable. For you as a borrower, a fixed borrowing rate has the advantage that you do not have to be afraid of rising loan interest rates. So you can be sure that the interest rate on the “loan amount” will not change during the entire term.

What does the loan term mean

The loan term of a loan has a major impact on the conditions that the bank grants to the borrower. This means that the longer the “loan term” for a loan, the lower the individual installments that the borrower has to repay, and vice versa. As far as the loan term is concerned, it may well be worth considering the various options. Please note that there are only a limited selection of terms for a few loans.

The time interval from the payment to the complete repayment or repayment of the loan amount is called either the loan term or the loan term. In principle, the duration depends on the one hand on the repayment and on the other hand on the amount of the nominal interest. Accordingly, the term clearly depends on the repayment rate. With a relatively small repayment amount, it takes a comparatively long time to fully pay the loan amount and thus the loan, including processing fees and interest. If loans run for more than 120 months or longer, they are called long-term loans.

What are loan fees

It is not uncommon for the loan fees to be referred to as loan processing fees, processing fees, closing fees or processing commission. Why these fees? Until 2014, the credit banks charged the applicant a certain amount for the effort incurred in processing the application for a loan or for a loan request. In May 2014 there was a change in the law in this regard. The calculation of the “loan fee” for processing a loan request was declared inadmissible. This also applies to the evaluation of the borrower’s creditworthiness. This means that fees for processing an application (on average 1 – 3 {{percent}} of the loan amount) have not been calculated since 2014. If various borrowers have been charged such a fee for the loan application or request, they often have the option of requesting reimbursement of the costs.

What is a lender

The lender is a natural or legal person who grants the borrower or borrower a loan at a corresponding interest rate for a certain period of time. In the loan agreements, the term “lender” is mostly used, although terms such as expressions are also often used.

Granting a loan is always a high risk for the lender as the loan could default. For this reason, higher interest rates are usually charged. Lenders are usually financial institutions such as building societies, insurance companies or banks. With regard to the rights and obligations of the borrower, these are regulated in the BGB (Civil Code).

What is the monthly rate

Financing such as “loans with poor credit ratings” is also paid in the form of individual monthly installments. The interest rate is a central component of the monthly rate. The index for the interest rate is based on the current market interest rates that the bank pays itself on the capital market. Your customers then pay this interest plus a corresponding surcharge for their loan.

Another component of the “monthly installment” of loans is repayment. The economic circumstances of the borrower determine the monthly repayment rate. Per annum, the repayment for {longer-term financing contracts} is usually 1 {{percent}}. Should the loan amount and thus the loan amount z. B. are repaid in a shorter period of time, the borrower chooses a higher repayment. Regardless of this, the monthly installments – depending on the amount of the repayment – are then significantly increased.

It is primarily interest and repayments that primarily give the monthly installment for loans. In most cases, however, the monthly installment for loans also includes the processing fees charged by the banks and the commission paid by the credit intermediaries. Almost without exception, these costs are included in the interest, but are part of the total monthly loan.

What is a debt rescheduling loan

A debt rescheduling loan is a loan that a person takes out in order to pay off an existing loan with high interest rates somewhat more cheaply. With such a debt restructuring, the borrower can save money. Debt restructuring also has the benefit of being able to merge several loans into one. It is therefore easily possible to provide more than one loan in the course of a debt restructuring. It goes without saying that the “debt rescheduling loan” is applied for from a different bank and not from the same bank. The loan for a debt rescheduling can still be applied for from the same bank.

The basic purpose of a debt rescheduling is therefore that after completing your new loan you have a smaller financial burden than before – hence the debt rescheduling loan. Even if the interest rate is only slightly cheaper, it can mean that the bottom line is that you save a nice amount of money.

What is the total loan amount

The total loan amount includes all fees that the bank customer has to repay for a loan to the financial institution. The total amount that the borrower has to repay to the credit institution within the term of the repayment includes the ancillary costs and is therefore higher than the loan amount owed. What are the detailed costs, which are added to the pure loan amount? These are possible commissions or processing fees as well as the interest due. The deviation from the nominal amount of the loan therefore comes from the additional costs.

Also part of the total loan amount are the {costs} which have to be paid in connection with the borrowing in the form of a residual debt insurance.

What is the loan amount

If the borrower is granted the loan application, the loan amount is then paid out net. The amount of the payout may also vary because the “loan amount” may not be paid out in full as a total amount. This also applies to “Swiss credit” or a loan.

When making a loan application for a loan amount, the bank checks the current earnings situation of a commercial borrower and the existing income of a private person. It does not matter what size the actual loan amount is. For example, if a loan amount of only USD 600.00 is applied for, the bank checks the applicant’s income in the same way as for a loan amount of USD 500,000.00.

In general, a fixed monthly repayment installment is agreed for a fixed period of time for the loan amount. These agreements are all in the written loan agreement. However, it is not uncommon for the borrower to repay the loan amount before the contract expires by means of special repayments. Such special repayments are not always free of charge. If you want to know exactly, just look at the respective financing contract. If the last installment was finally paid, it can generally be assumed that this also automatically invalidates the loan agreement. If the borrower wishes to take up a new loan amount, he can only do so in writing with a new application.

What are the credit rating criteria

You can get credit without checking the creditworthiness. Depending on the “creditworthiness criteria”, the result of the credit check is, so to speak, on the basis of which the corresponding credit rating is made, which determines the premiums on the loan. The credit bank generally charges lower interest rates if the credit rating is positive. A good result in determining the various factors of the credit check is therefore always useful for the borrower. The classic credit rating criteria of financial institutions very often differ from bank to bank. However, there are no differences between the individual banks when it comes to the creditworthiness criteria mentioned. All the factors described are the same for every applicant.

  • What is the total income?
  • What is the employment relationship like?
  • Is the borrower a contract agent, civil servant, or officer?
  • Who’s the employer?
  • Where is the borrower’s place of residence?
  • Are there entries at credit agencies such as Credit Bureau etc.?
  • Does the borrower keep a budget book with an entry-expense account?
  • Are there assets in the form of land or real estate?
  • What is the marital status?
  • Are there any existing loans and guarantees?

These are the prerequisites for Lite Lender Small Loans Despite Credit Bureau

You have the option for your desired loan to influence the decision of the loan broker to your advantage. To do this, however, the following conditions must be met:

  • Legal age
  • German place of residence
  • Account with a German financial institution
  • regular income
  • sufficient creditworthiness
  • for earmarked financing, collateral such as real estate or a car

A so-called credit private or personal loan, which various credit intermediaries have on offer, can usually be obtained despite a negative credit rating. With “Lending money without Credit Bureau”, one or more private individuals act as lenders instead of the financial institution.

Advice on Lite Lender Small Loans Despite Credit Bureau

Think carefully about whether you are really able to pay back a loan with a negative Credit Bureau or a bad Credit Bureau score without major problems. As a rule, it is not without reason that the loan application is rejected by the financial institution.

Please keep the following in mind: It is the main business principle of a credit institution that as many consumers as possible pay off your loan completely with interest. The declared goal of financial institutions is, of course, to lend to reliable borrowers. If payment behavior was previously very inadequate, it must be expected that the installments will still not be repaid on time. Accordingly, the application will of course be rejected. But even with a positive Credit Bureau, the loan application can be refused. This is the case if the available funds are insufficient or the minimum income is so low that the repayment of the financing is not guaranteed.

So before you apply for a “loan without Credit Bureau” or other financing, you should compare your total income with the expenditure as realistically as possible. This is an excellent way to check in advance whether the loan can be paid easily or whether there may be problems afterwards. Unfortunately, very few people initially think that it can always be financially tight with a long-term repayment plan and that it then becomes difficult to pay the loan back conscientiously. This could be a broken fridge, a broken car or a high demand for additional payments from the gas or electricity provider.

There is the possibility of qualified personal advice on a “credit with Credit Bureau entry”, and that from a professional credit advisor. This will not only help you to evaluate your financial situation free of value, but also to find the right offer. This way you don’t get into a debt trap, which can very well happen with a reckless “taking out a loan despite Credit Bureau”. The advice given to loan brokers also includes “debt restructuring despite Credit Bureau”. This means that different loans are combined into a single loan.

In the event that it appears that the bank illegally denies you a “credit with Credit Bureau” or a “credit with Credit Bureau entry”, it may be possible that your Credit Bureau score is incorrect. to be able to access it free of charge and ask for the removal of outdated or incorrect entries.

Credit without Credit Bureau: serious to untrustworthy

It is basically relatively easy to get a loan without Credit Bureau serious or to recognize a fair offer. Please note:

  • A loan broker who arranges financing without Credit Bureau reliably never makes commitments that he cannot reliably keep
  • Reputable credit providers never ask for advance payment
  • A provider of a loan, which provides a loan without Credit Bureau, will never ask the borrower for a processing fee that is to be paid regardless of the success of the measure
  • “Serious loans without Credit Bureau” do not include risk supplements due to a higher risk of default
  • No special payments are required for particularly quick processing
  • If additional products, such as life insurance or building society contracts, are offered in a strikingly offensive manner, you should be particularly careful

Loans between individuals, the installment becomes lighter

Borrowing is becoming easier. And not just because of the spread of digitalization. The ultra-expansive policy of the Cream Bank (in the last meeting of 12 September it cut rates on deposits, bringing them down to -0.50% and announced a new quantitative easing of 20 billion dollars per month) pushed rates of interest at historic lows . Applies to mortgages, but also applies to personal and finalized loans. So today those who want to have a loan to renovate their home, 5,000 dollars to be repaid in 48 months, will pay an average Taeg between 5.75% and 7 percent. To give some examples, Cream Bank asks for a rate of 6.70%, Best Bank of 5.75% and Lite Lenders Credit of 6.25% .But if you have a very high credit rating and are accustomed to using the Internet, there is another channel that the consumer has available to tear up much more advantageous rates: it is the channel of loans between private individuals (social lending).


Loans between individuals, the Italian offer

Loans between individuals, the Italian offer

In Italy there are several platforms, including Good Lenders and Lite Lending. On the first, 5 thousand dollars to be returned always in 48 months can be financed at a rate of 5.6% if you have an excellent credit history (otherwise, the rate can go up to 9.4%); on Lite Lending, on the other hand, the excellent profile (has a very high credit rating) will pay a Taeg of 5.95% (for the G profile, or if the applicant has a rating that is just sufficient, the rate rises to 14.28 %).


The comparators

To find the most convenient offer, you can rely on online comparators, such as Good Lenders , where you can always inquire about the best personal loan offers of the day and also apply for funding. Using it is very simple. In the main screen you must enter all the required information, from the loan amount to the duration, from the purpose of the loan to any accessory insurance. By clicking on “show me the loans” it will then be possible to view all the quotes, including those of the social lending platforms and also submit the loan request via the site.


The advantages

car loan

The main advantage of social lending is certainly the competitiveness of interest rates, with a “discount” compared to the more traditional channel (banks and financial) which can even reach 200 basis points (2%) if the credit history. It is the best. A pricing that private lending platforms are able to offer thanks to a much lower cost structure. Then there is the advantage of comfort. Everything is done online, directly from your pc. To have an outcome to the request for funding within 24-48 hours. And if you want to close the loan before the natural expiry, you can do it at any time, without penalties and without paying interest on the part repaid in advance.


The operation

Applying for financing through social lending platforms, or loans between individuals, is very simple. Just register on the site and make your request directly online. It will then be necessary to provide all the required documents, including income documents, which will be subject to verification. Once the checks are completed, the result of the request will arrive and if positive you will receive a contract to be signed. After which the requested amount will be credited directly to the current account, on which the installment will be debited every month. The rate applied will depend on the creditworthiness of the applicant and can vary from a minimum of 5.4%, if the credit history is excellent, up to 14.28%, if the judgment is only sufficient.


Who can access it


To apply for a loan on social lending platforms, it is necessary to be of age, to have a demonstrable work income, which must be such as to make the installment sustainable (as a rule the latter must not exceed 30-35% of net income), and have a current account. For the installment to be sustainable, then, it is important not to have high levels of debt. Furthermore, in the event of serious insolvency records, it will be difficult to obtain the go-ahead for the loan application.

Loan rates down: families take advantage of them

Good news comes from Europe on the eve of the end of Marco Dovin ‘s mandate to the Cream Bank . The long-awaited new Quantitative easing will be there and will open the credit market to new concessions from banks to businesses and individuals . And while in Europe it is decided to lower the rates on deposits from -0.4% to -0.5%, the maneuver that foresees a new injection of liquidity in November will bring 20 billion dollars into the banks’ coffers.

Purchases by the Cream Bank will continue as long as necessary to reinforce the accommodative impact of our policies and will end shortly before we begin to raise key rates, comments the outgoing president.


Loans to businesses are slowing down, loans to households are growing

The drop in interest rates encourages the use of credit. This was revealed by the latest data from the Capital Lender, which reports growth in July of 0.8% on an annual basis (0.4% in June). But the increase concerns only the private sector, and not the business sector.

Loans to households grew by 2.5% (2.4% in June), offset by a 0.4% drop in corporate loans (-0.7% the previous month).

The trend in interest rates on loans granted to households and businesses is also different.

The rates of loans aimed at buying houses registered a reduction from the previous month and marked 2.09% (2.17% in June), those on loans to companies instead increased by 2 cents of a point and reached 1, 37% (1.35% in June ).

The rate on consumer credit disbursements is 8.28% in July.

Net non-performing loans are still down, by 23.3% per year due to securitization transactions.


How to find a double advantage with online loans

online loans

While the fate of interest rates in the coming months from Europe is being decided, the use of loans by households is taking advantage of them to obtain unprecedented rates. However there is a way to save more, and that is to choose an online loan.

The advantages are at least 3:

  • it is convenient;
  • is smart;
  • It is faster.

To get feedback quickly, just take a look at the monthly report on the best deals on the net, reported this month in the news “The best loans of September 2019”, or consult the section on the best loans today.

For example, if we simulate the request for 10,000 dollars in 84 months aimed at obtaining liquidity, the best solution is offered by United Lenders Credit. Personal Loan has a Tan of 4.77%, Taeg 6.72% and a monthly installment to be supported of 148.58 dollars.

United Lenders Credit is a Digital Credit Platform that connects professional investors with the community of applicants. Once authorization has been obtained, the amount will be disbursed by bank transfer to the bank account indicated, at the latest within the fifteenth day following the communication confirming the granting of the credit.