Dadorbust – always looking out for his Hot Blogger girls, even while proving that he’s better than Jack Bauer – pointed a new site out to us: The Not Quite Hot Enough Calendar.
And girls, we love it. And neither of us is a “Month”, so maybe we should be posting on your site. But it [...]
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Is there anything better than the Friday going into a long weekend?
Yes, yes there is… reading the Hot Blogger Calendar leaderboard post on the Friday going into a long weekend.
Ladies first:
Chic Shopper Chick
Amy of Permission to Peruse
Trisha of momdot
Moosh in Indy
Jill Notkin (the Daily Grind)
Technology Goddess
Miss Britt
Blackbelt Mama
Katja Presnal (Skimbaco)
The SlackMistress [...]
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Three quarters of a million page views. Over eleven thousand votes. And two-to-one on girls-vs-guys votes. What, aren’t the boys hot enough for you?
Posting quick this morning, so no hotlinks, but here’s where we stand.
The Comics Curmudgeon
Geri Druckman
Wil Wheaton
Peter Shankman
Ghost of Keywork
Busy Dad
NYC Watchdog
Francesco Explains it All
Backpacking Dad
be the boy
Chic Shopper Chick
Amy (Permission [...]
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As we said yesterday, if you pimp your nomination out in a major way and let us know about it, we’ll throw you a bone and let people know you’ve put forth the effort. Even though it in no way means we’re personally endorsing anyone in particular.
Now that we’ve made that clear, here’s the latest [...]
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Okay, we admit it. While we could handle 1,000 votes an hour, 24,000 at once proved too much – but only briefly, and only because we were switching servers at the time. HARO readers, we fear you not!
LinuxJournal’s Shawn Powers and Wil Wheaton have joined the Michelle Malkin/Sara Benincasa hot blogger matchups with a standoff. [...]
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