Recaps from the NYC Calendar Shoot

October 10th, 2008 by Sarah

As we’re compiling everyone’s photos and posts from the Oct. 5 shoot, we have to again give massive amounts of gratitude and awe to photographers Bill Wadman and Meg Wachter and makeup artist Jillian Villafane for artistic, professional work creating stunning images that we can’t wait to share with you.

Our remaining Hot Bloggers have their shoots underway nationwide now, and we’re just jealous that we can’t ship everyone around to every single shoot to share in the fun!

This weekend, watch for behind-the-scenes videos we took with the awesome little RCA Small Wonder cameras we had at the shoots. We were able to capture everything from Jane’s very first shot of tequila, to post-shoot model interviews, and everything in between. But until then, here’s a little directory to help you see what being there was like!



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  • At 2008.10.10 16:40, amy said:

    I think some of those links are not named correctly :/

    Jill’s name is pointing to Sharon’s blog.

    Sharon is pointing to Sarah

    • At 2008.10.10 16:59, Sarah said:

      Whoops, thank you for pointing that out Amy! Should be all fixed.

      • [...] *Don’t discount the Dad Blogger contingent. There are two of ‘em in the calendar, Busy Dad and Backpacking Dad, and it was an honor and a privledge to be able to document their very first meeting at our Hot Blogger Calendar photo shoot in NYC. [...]


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